Changing Child Visitation Agreement

Changing Child Visitation Agreement: What You Need to Know

Child visitation agreements are an essential part of a child custody arrangement. They outline the terms and conditions of when a non-custodial parent can spend time with their child. However, sometimes circumstances change, and visitation agreements may no longer work for both parties involved. If this is the case, modifying the visitation agreement may be necessary.

Here are some important things you need to know about changing child visitation agreement:

1. The reasons for modifying a visitation agreement

There are various reasons why a visitation agreement may need to be changed. Some of the most common reasons include relocation, changes in work schedules, and the child`s age and needs. For instance, if a parent gets a new job in another state, they may not be able to adhere to the current visitation schedule. In such a scenario, modifying the visitation agreement will be necessary to accommodate the changes.

2. How to modify a visitation agreement

To modify a visitation agreement, both parents must agree on the changes. If they cannot agree on the proposed changes, they may have to go through mediation or seek legal representation. A family law attorney can help either party understand their legal rights and obligations and guide them through the process.

3. What to include in a modified visitation agreement

A modified visitation agreement should outline the changes that both parties agreed upon. It should be specific and address any concerns that either party may have. For instance, if a parent is relocating, the modified agreement may include provisions for transportation and accommodation expenses. It may also outline how the parties will handle future modifications, such as changes in work schedules or unexpected events.

4. The role of the court in modifying a visitation agreement

When both parents agree on modifications, they can submit the changes to the court for approval. If the court approves the changes, they will be legally binding. However, if the parents cannot agree, they may have to go through a hearing in which a judge will hear their arguments and decide on the modification.


Changing a child visitation agreement can be a complicated process, and it`s important to approach it with caution. Seeking legal advice from a family law attorney can help both parties understand their legal rights and obligations and guide them through the process. Modifying a visitation agreement can ensure that both parents remain involved in the child`s life while accommodating any necessary changes.