Subject Verb Agreement Beginner Worksheet

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of written and spoken English. It refers to the matching of the subject of a sentence with the correct verb form. If the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. This matching ensures that the sentence is grammatically correct and easy to understand.

For beginners, subject-verb agreement may seem challenging to master, but with practice and the right resources, it can become second nature. One of the best ways to practice subject-verb agreement is by using worksheets.

A subject-verb agreement worksheet is a printed or digital document that contains exercises that test a person`s knowledge of this grammar rule. These worksheets are specifically designed for beginners as they start learning English. The exercises usually consist of simple sentences with missing verbs, and the student must supply the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

An example of a subject-verb agreement worksheet for beginners is:

“______ (He/They) _______ (plays/play) soccer on the weekends.”

The correct answer would be “He plays soccer on the weekends.” The subject “He” is singular, so the verb form “plays” must also be singular. If the subject was “They,” then the correct verb form would be “play,” as “They” is plural.

Another example of a subject-verb agreement worksheet is:

“______ (She/They) _______ (is/are) going to the mall.”

The correct answer would be “She is going to the mall.” The subject “She” is singular, so the verb form “is” must also be singular. If the subject was “They,” then the correct verb form would be “are,” as “They” is plural.

Subject-verb agreement worksheets are an excellent way for beginners to practice this grammar rule. They can help students identify common mistakes, such as using a singular verb form with a plural subject or using a plural verb form with a singular subject.

In addition to worksheets, there are also online resources and apps that can help beginners practice subject-verb agreement. These tools offer instant feedback and can help students track their progress.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar, and beginners can benefit greatly from practicing this rule through worksheets and other resources. With practice, beginners can master subject-verb agreement and become confident in their writing and speaking skills.